About Us

Who we are.

CTF-Orlando is about creating an environment where the Kingdom of God touches earth. We purpose to start fires of His Love and Presence throughout the Nations by making a way for them to experience His presence for themselves. We endeavor in all that we do to make the presence of God tangible and attainable for all; igniting a fire of His passion and love in everyone we encounter.

About Our Pastors

Raising Leaders

Pastor Gregg Ellis

Gregg’s years of leadership in both church and business provide a solid foundation. His humble and gentle leadership style is noted by many locally and internationally. Gregg has a passion for worship, and creates an atmosphere where His Presence and Glory manifests. His strong father’s heart has allowed Gregg to mentor many young people to find their flow in His anointing. Gregg chairs the CTF Orlando board of directors and is a co-lead pastor.

Pastor Valerie Ellis

Valerie brings a level of spiritual maturity and understanding of God’s Glory with a heart full of love for God’s people. Valerie ignites the Fire of God, desiring a deeper move and increased presence of God’s Glory and His Anointing in the people of the Lord. Her deep knowledge of Scripture and unique way of painting the visual picture of who the Father is, brings life and vitality to the Church and those seeking Him. Valerie is the CTF Orlando executive director and co-lead pastor.

Vision & Mission

See what’s coming up.

Our Vision
Write the vision and make it plain on tablets that he may run who reads it.” Habakkuk 2:2. Our vision is simple; to stir a holy passion for His presence and teach tangible ways to connect to His Glory and presence.

Our Mission
To help people develop an intimate relationship with God:

• To preach and teach the Gospel with passion and fervor, manifesting His power. Every time we minister, we make God real, we create and maintain an atmosphere that is favorable to hosting the presence of God. We connect people to the awe of God.

• We endeavor to demonstrate the Gifts through hands-on workshops. Emphasis topics include: prophetic, dream interpretation, and spiritual soaking, along with preaching and teaching.

• All ministry flows out of your relationship with Jesus Christ. The depth of your anointing and the intensity of your gifting will be directly proportional to the intimacy you have with God. We purpose to instill a desire for that most holy intimacy with God and teach tangible ways to increase His presence in the believer’s life.

Core Principles
The Kingdom of Heaven does not operate within the same principles and protocols as the kingdoms of the earth. God’s ways are much higher than our ways; Isaiah 55:8-9. During the formation of Fire Starters International, the Lord gave us eight (8) ministry protocols to operate by to aid in ushering in His Glory and Presence.

Respect Others and Give Gifts
When ministering in someone else’s house, we ask to be received on the land by the elders/gatekeepers of the land. We humbly present ourselves, with a gift. Proverbs 18:16. A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.

Flee Offense
We determine, with the strength of God, not to walk in offense with others or ourselves. We choose to forgive, to cover every offense. Proverbs 18:19. An offended friend is harder to win back than a fortified city. Arguments separate friends like a gate locked with bars.

Purpose to Love
We pray for the people before we go. We realize, that the love we have for each other, will speak louder than the words we preach. Ephesians 5:2. And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.

Operate with The Father’s Heart
We walk with a Father’s and Mother’s heart. Not because we have a grandiose calling, but because we choose to walk in the Father’s love. “Shed abroad Love” Romans 5:5,

Maintain Attitude of Gratitude
We maintain at attitude of gratitude. When we are grateful for the miracles that God is doing, He will continue to do them. Colossians 3:17. And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

Live in Joy
We purpose to walk in joy, to enjoy each other and to have fun. It will be our strength and the honey that will draw others to Him. Psalms 36:8. They are filled with the riches of Your house. And You give them a drink from Your river of Joy.
Help Others Achieve Their Calling
We appoint others, by the Lord’s commissioning, to do what they are called to do. Acts 13:2. They were all worshiping the Lord and fasting for a certain time. During this time the Holy Spirit said to them, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul to do a special work for which I have chosen them.”

Eradicate Fear
We will not live in fear, walk in fear, respond in fear, or pacify fear. We will eradicate it with God’s love and replace it with God’s Word. 1 John 4:18. Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear.

International Projects

Flaming Desire for the Nations.




Together We Can.

We believe in the Biblical principle of tithing, which is bringing the first 10% (tithe) of our income into the storehouse (church). Tithes and Offerings received at Catch The Fire provide the necessary cash-flow to support all our ministries and initiatives.
(Malachi 3:10)
